It’s here. Pollen season. Somehow I have pollen amnesia every year…I forget it’s coming, and then while it’s happening I keep thinking: “how long does this last again?”
{Childbirth metaphor, anyone?}
It falls softer and quieter, and way more invisible than snow. And nothing makes me feel more solidarity with northerners. Because it requires patience.
You see, you don’t want to clean it every day. Oh no, that’s a terrible idea. And you don’t want to sweep it…that’s an even more terrible idea. You want to wait until you *think* it’s done, and then you want to hose it away.
Yesterday morning I left my car in the driveway for four hours and I came out to find it covered in a putrid green sheen.
They forecast this stuff down here. Yesterday it said POLLEN COUNT: redicula-high.
David and I {read: my dad} redid our kitchen in our first home. I remember finding drywall dust for months. Everywhere. Places I didn’t know existed needed to be dusted from the stuff. I remember we changed our filters in the house once the project was done and that helped a lot. So…could someone change the filter around here?
There is a Pollyanna moment to all of this: spring is here.
Is this a deep south phenomenon or does everyone deal with it to some degree?
You are NOT ALONE! Over *here* we have that icky, sticky stuff too and it seems to last 4-e-vah!! Yep, hose to the rescue, along with daily sterile saline sinus rinses!
By the way, these pics are awesome! Can you teach me how to get all that really cool BOKAH? My poor DSLR has long ago taken a (way) backseat to m(i)phone permanently attached to my palm and just doesn’t quite do these neat tricks so well.
Did I mention you are not alone? Our neighbor gave the little dude a small sunflower plant. It happily lives (& thrives!) on the edge of the field behind our house. He waters it regularly and is enjoying seeing it grow. If all goes well, it should be much taller than him in just a few months.
Hugs from Germany. Love you!!