Yesterday time was up for the seedlings that hadn’t sprouted.
If they didn’t look like this, they got re-seeded.
I kept giving them “one more day…just one more day…” But enough was enough. I expected to find lots of little half-germinated seedlings when I got in there, but I really didn’t.
It was also a good opportunity to rethink just how many poblano peppers one family can eat. So I planted a few less tomatoes and peppers, a few more zinnias, salvia, and a pampas plume celosia I’ve been dreaming of pairing in bud vases with the multi-colored zinnias.
if you find yourself with way too much salvia, i will selflessly give it a new home for you. i will probably kill it in the first few days since i am the sister who does NOT run a gardening blog. however, the selfless part of me prevails.