A couple weeks ago I had a total God moment.
Both the bitties and I were standing at one of the raised beds, while Bitty E skillfully instructed us on how to plant sticks in them. Right then this beautiful ladybug landed not a foot in front of us. You know the kind—vivid red, large black spots…the kind they paint on the walls of nursery school hallways. I jumped right into my little lesson on how they eat aphids and that protects the plants, and then she flew away.
Then Bitty G proceeded to eat some dirt, Bitty E to pitch a fit because we weren’t planting sticks to her specifications and *poof* the moment was gone.
And it was almost lost on me.
Only by grace I was later reminded of the scene and the sweetness of it washed over me. As simple as it sounds that was exactly what I wanted to do. Teach my girls something practical about God’s world in a real-life scenario. Yes, this is a big project, and yes, it’s totally my style to get myself in over my head, but may this be the first of many, many God moments next to my girls, in the garden.
There are no misplaced ladybugs.
Due to a long list of random stuff this blog has been up but not live for a couple months now. And over that time I’ve had the “this is dumb” or “why am I doing this again?” thoughts more times than I can count. But then I sit down and write a post…and I feel like a person who doesn’t change diapers and pick up the 90 piece plastic fruit 100 times a day.
So this is for me. And when it stops being fun, I’ll stop.
{I suppose this blog is alternately titled hollyneedsahobby.com. But really, who wants to type that address into their browser.}
I sure have learned a lot–setting it up has somedays made me feel like this:
when the true reality is more like this:
In summation: hey, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you’ll enjoy what you find. You can old-fashioned scroll just like any blog, or there are links in the right sidebar or the top sidebar to take you to specific topics.
So all that to say, I’m still figuring things out! Your suggestions are highly welcome. Happy spring!