Each Wednesday, for the next several weeks, I intend to highlight the gardening blogs that make up my blogroll. Some of them I’ve read for years, and some are new-ish finds, but all of them are excellent {IMHO}. And I’m always looking for good reads! If you know of any, will you leave them in the comments?
So, first up is www.gardeningblog.net, also known as the Backyard Gardening Blog.
Super informative, tons and TONS of reliable info on all variety of topics, great pictures and a humble spirit—I definitely recommend it. {But that will be the running theme with all the blogs on the blogroll…}
Here’s what I want to say to Chris: Thanks.
Seriously, thanks.
Your blog is a wealth of information. It’s a veritable encyclopedia of your yard history, tips, {unintended} suggestions, and great forum topics and contributors…and it is vast. It’s both a twenty-second-escape-from-the-mundane blog and a destination blog when you need a specific question answered.
I think you deserve two free tillers.
I had a bit of a laugh out loud moment at his most recent post where he realized he had never mentioned impatiens on his blog before. Because really, is there a topic you can search for and not find?
So I went on a hunt and I am very happy to report the deficiencies in my results here:
Aardvark. 0 search results.
Unicorn. 0 search results.
Coconut. 0 search results.