Last week I began running down my list of favorite gardening blogs. Up next: Chiot’s Run.
This is where I go when I need a 20 second vacation. I can imagine I’m collecting sap from trees, or musing on my favorite pair of clippers…tending bees, or finishing up a new afghan.
{Read: all things that don’t happen in this stage of my life, and many of which would be forbidden by the HOA in my little corner of suburbia. }
Chiot’s Run is another wealth-of-information site. In fact, I found it years ago on The Google searching for some simple how-to. And this site continues to teach me a ton.
Just a couple weeks ago, after I had planted my onions, Susy posted this post on how she plants hers. And I shouted at the screen OH THAT’S HOW YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO DO IT.
{Have we met? Hi, I’m Holly and I have a nitrogen problem.}
*Double sigh.*
There’s always next year.
However, I do have one bone to pick with Susy. If you read along you know what I mean when I say: mouse face.
On her carpet.
Not mouse head, not decapitated mouse body…not any other part of mouse, but face.
I still can’t get that picture out of my head.
Not cool, Susy, not cool.
I don’t make David look at gardening blogs. I made him look at that post.
And then I flashed it up to him time and again and we giggled as if we were both back in the fourth grade.
On second thought, maybe Susy did us all a favor…maybe “mouse-facing” people should be, like, a thing…
Cut off in traffic? Mouse-faced.
Holding two toddlers and rude guy at post office doesn’t hold door for you? Mouse-Faced.
A Mr. Wilson leaves a tacky comment on your blog post? MOUSE-FACED.
I’m not linking to the specific post FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, however, I do highly recommend a visit to her site and a healthy scroll. But if you get mouse-faced…well, you were warned.
Thanks, Susy!
{Edited to add the mouse face link: here. And only because David said “C’MON you have to link to it!” But no hate mail because you’ve been warned: there are some things you just can’t un-see.}
I love it, not the mouse heads of course. Thanks for the link love!