Two fertilizer applications later…
Things are looking better.
Now what remains to be seen is if I’ve lost so much time that I will be in recovery mode for the rest of the summer…but we will see…it’s only the beginning of June.
Boy, have I learned *a lot* already. And every banana peel or eggshell I’m tossing in the regular trash is mocking me. That’s right, throw these nutrients right on away. Not like you need them or anything.
{Yes, that voice totally sounds just like Banana Man.}
A couple days ago, the 4 year old caught her daddy tossing one of her coloring pages into the trash.
She about lost herself.
The fit led to her first economics lesson: “scarcity drives up value.”

{not the actual graph used in David’s lesson.} {and even googling this gave me economics class hives.}
As well-intentioned as it was heaving all that on Bitty E, it was this mama who really heard that lesson.
And it’s correct all right: if I get one pumpkin, butternut squash, zucchini or yellow bell pepper this year, it’s going to be the most valuable one this side of suburbia has ever seen.