Next year when David asks me what is planted in the garden the answer just might be:
And that is all. I love them so.
Yesterday I re-potted the sunflowers, aka my third child. I have all but sung these a lullaby.
I put three of their siblings directly into the ground about a week ago. They met with the same fate as their forefathers. I don’t know what made me only put three in…let’s call it a hunch…but in spite of spraying those little leaves within two days they were just stems. Maybe it’s that sign I picked up at the garden center: PESTS PLEASE LUNCHEON HERE.
Yes, I believe that is bird poo in the upper left quadrant. Would you eat anyway? {After washing, obvs.}
I don’t know what I’m doing right here…let’s just chalk it up to some perfect conditions that are way way beyond my control…but MORE PLEASE.
My entire family has decided that corn is fun.
And maybe the okra is about to hit a stride as well. I hear some succotash calling my name.
This also happened yesterday: {And by yesterday I mean just about every day in the last several.}
And yes, there may have been, er…some added nutrients by the time I put that pool water onto the plants.
The zinnias are beautiful.
awe thanks!!