There’s supper club tonight, and that can only mean one thing:
I might actually be that obnoxious girl who says “you know, I grew this corn with my own two bare hands.”
And I won’t even have to be nonchalant about it because 1. it’s that good and 2. these best friends love me no matter what, and 3. they also know just to what precise degree I’ve seriously botched the rest of the yard this season.
{If I mis-fire on the cooking of this corn tonight you will indeed hear wailing and gnashing of teeth from wherever you are…real-life local friends, internet gardener friends, and Ukraine-based-hacker-friend-who-is-either-strongly-considering-composting-or-maybe-more-likely-trying-to-guess-my-password…MUA HA HA IT’S STRONG AS STEEL.}
Last night David asked if we could grow more green beans next year. This only means something to the real life friends, so allow me to explain:
Before we were married the boy went to the grocery store once every two weeks.
He purchased a pound of deli meat, a loaf of bread, and then several boxes of Lean Pockets.
{Yes, he lived in a food desert. It was called THE PRISON OF HIS OWN MIND.}
First, he would wisely consume the sandwich material. Then he would move on to the Lean Pockets.
{He once uttered the question to me “so is this what a strawberry should taste like?”}
{Aaaaaaand how did I get here again? Green beans…Lean Pockets…hi Ukrainian hacker friend….ah, yes….CORN.}
David loved the fresh green beans. He said they were a revelation.
David loved the corn. He said it was delicious.
And the Lean Pockets remain in their Frozen State. May the frost collect, cuz daddy is turning over a new leaf.
“Let it gooooooooooooo.”
But since I’m there already I will leave you with a favorite of David’s: the Let it Goat. Happy Friday!