So I did it. I pruned the mum of previous fame.
It was no small task.
I pruned down as I read online to 2″ for each stalk.
Turns out the nursery had quite the contraption of support netting beneath that thing–no wonder it looked as good as it did.
I will try not to make any real life comparisons but self control is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard…
Ok, that was it…just that one…
Since I pruned the mum we’ve had approximately 9 days of gorgeous weather and lots of rain…needless to say, I think it thinks it’s spring.
Here’s to hoping this little experiment works out. I can stomach paying $13 a year for a mum, but not $26.
After all, who do I think I am??
Nope, not her. Definitely not her. But wouldn’t that be THE COOLEST?? I bet she buys a lot of expensive mums.