Last weekend I emptied the composter and it was good for my soul.
{Okay, maybe it also helped that it was mid-seventies in mid-December and we played outside for upwards of two hours but let’s just hand this one to the composter.}

They tried to climb into the now-empty composter. I am happy to say they failed. Their evil plans do not often fail.
Getting outside and getting dirty is quite the boost to me. {And apparently also to my children, who do not resist the opportunity “help me” spread pine straw…all over the grass.}
The camellias are in full bloom…but the compost smelled still sweeter.
For months now I’ve been sticking kitchen carnage into that contraption. Leftover everything-not-animal-by-product along with a healthy dose of yard waste has spun and spun and spun and turned itself right into the most delicious smelling lump of dirt I think I’ve ever seen.

I spread it on the “broccoli bed,” because in case it’s unclear, the “broccoli bed” isn’t doing so hot…
This whole gardening gig continues to amaze me with the little life cycles happening right in front of my eyes. Sadly, I did not get as much as I thought I would get—it was only enough compost to top one of the four raised beds. Next spring I will be looking for more ways to add more waste to it.
The dog has a few suggestions. She will be turned down most heartily.
Everything broke down beautifully with the exception of the corn stalks.
I cut them down into about 6 inch pieces, and they are more brittle than when I put them in, but they are still in fairly good condition and don’t resemble anything too close to “compost” yet. I’m going to give them another chance and see how they over-winter in one of the in-ground beds, but if they don’t do well, I will just rake them out at the beginning of next spring. Everything else was unrecognizable…with the exception of these little warriors:
Bean sprouts? That’s my best guess? But how in the hey-dee-hey did they sprout inside all the dark??? Life is a little fighter isn’t it.
Speaking of—guess what—PEAS! Just when I thought all hope was lost…and whaddya know, it corresponded to the opening of the composter. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
Be sure to check back on Monday for a fun giveaway compliments of Mantis. I think I’ll leave the comments open on it until the day after Christmas and then draw for the winner–you know, just in case you didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas and need ONE. LAST. CHANCE.
Happy weekend!