Dear girls,
I love you. I do. There is nothing you can do or not do that will change my love for you. However, in parenting, I find that there are gray areas of behavior pattern…areas that require a steady eye and a firm “no,” even when I fear I might be crossing from the land of graciousness into the land of law.
And so: giddyup, cowpokes, I’m laying the law down. Today these well-worn laptop keys have a decree.
No more dogs books.
Zip. Zero. Nernt…it’s over. Hope you’ve learned all you need about the canine class, cause you’re not checking out any more dog books from the library.
On this day I will call for the final renewal allotment of the second dog book lost to this household. Apparently there is a cosmic mass located somewhere between where I sit and the pantry labeled “DOG BOOK BLACK HOLE. Stick all dog books here so that they’ll never be seen again. Mom will love it.”
Here is the first offender:
Here is the second offender:
Fool me three times and you’ll never be allowed in another library again.
Sure, your teacher may give you an assignment to research a type of dog.
“That’s nice, honey,” I will respond, demurely, “you can do your project on cats.”
“But mom,” you will say, “that will certainly wreck my most excellent grade point average.”
“I don’t care,” I will reply, without even looking up from my tea. “Colleges don’t really look at second grade anyway.”
With love, your mother, who’s off to try to explain the library bill to your father
*sigh.* Happy place…
happy place…