Why do I fret?
A little light, a little water, THE RIGHT DIRT…
We had some concrete poured the same day the rock path arrived. David reported that bitty E was watching, standing beside him and the concrete workermen, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, just like the flash…
{please tell me you’re guessing what’s going to happen…}
yep…she takes a flying leap right into the center of the concrete. Dave said it happened so fast nobody saw it coming. And they all busted out laughing. Nothing crosses a language barrier quite like a kid slap dab in the middle of your freshly completed hard work.
Here’s {one of} the thing/s I adore about bitty E: she’s all in.
I mean ALL IN. Committed. Full of ideas, and chock full of the gumption to see them through.
I need to tap into a little bit of that gumption for this season. No more of this fretting, worrying, and whining about dirt and pH and chipmunks…SEEDS GROW. It’s the craziest thing. And it reminds me I’m not in charge.
It’s tacky day at school for the bitties. I can’t wait to see what all in looks like today.