This time last year I had okra coming out my ears.
None such this year.
Since the girls have made friends with Bugs Bunny…twigs. Twigs are all that’s left of the okra row.
This one miracle okra has managed to grow taller than the rabbit’s chomp reach. And it flowered and set pods. I check on them every day. You may call it a compulsion…I’ll call it a quirk.
Today bitty E and I went downtown to see a kiddie musical version of Legally Blonde. {“Mom,” she asked, “did you bring change to feed the meat-eater?”} Poor teenage version of Elle Woods shows up to the Harvard Law gathering thinking it’s a costume party, and of course, she’s dressed as a rabbit.
“A BUNNY!” says bitty E, altogether too loudly.
“edited for content,” says her mother.
Stay away from my okra, Elle Woods.