One of my favorite blogs from way back in the day currently reads “Not Giving Up!” as the most recent post title. That post is from about five years ago.
But I promise I’m Not Giving Up!…I’m just going to step back and take a breather.
You see: the rabbits. {If you’ve been reading here any length of time, well, that about sums it up.}
I’m not planting a fall garden because I don’t think my little heart can take watching another batch of seedlings get chomped to the stem by the infestation. So we need to take care of the rabbit problem. David has one idea, and I have another…we need to come to a decision. {His idea involves weaponry, Die Hard quotes, and a friend of ours affectionately referred to as “big G.” Mine involves some subtle fencing. You can see where the marital discord lies…}
Also you see: the projects. There are several other things I’m working on/wanting to work on/dreaming about working on, and they need the attention of the bitty-less free time that I do have, so I’m going to take these cold weather months and focus on writing those.
{Side note…the advent devotional I wrote last year is being published…I’ll write something up here when it comes out, probably late October…}
Right before spring I’ll be back with some exciting {to me} news. {No, mom, we’re not pregnant.} But I’ll give you a hint: a little redesign for the blog.
Ok, that was more than a hint. That was kind of news #1.
Now I will do better at hinting about the second piece of news: one of your favorite familiar faces from PBS.
But that’s IT. No more hints.
So, until right before spring-ish, I’m going to say so long, see ya round.
But I’ll be back, when the day is new, and I’ll have more gardening failures for you. And the rabbits will have things they’ll want to stress about…
See ya real soon.
YAY for your published advent devotional! My family can’t wait!