From where I sit I’m watching a robin get after something in one of my raised beds and I want to throw open the window and yell QUIT IT DON’T YOU TAKE MY WORMS. I’m just now getting that soil all healthy and look at wild kingdom trying to do its nature thing.
{If you’re reading this and wondering at the disdain in my heart for small woodland creatures just keep it to yourself mmmkay?}
Dare I add the docile robin to my ever growing list?
Mary Poppins would be scandalized.
I’m just saying…you should probably get onboard with suspicion of woodland creatures. Don’t you remember Gremlins?
Just about everything is in and planted now. Last weekend we had a regular barn-raising and drew help from four counties.
Dad brought his country boy A-game.
And at no point did my sister run squealing from my request to plant something harmless. I consider this a profound personal failure and view the day as almost an entire loss. I’m not ready to talk about it.
In fact, the day was just sort of…well….pleasant. Is this what happens as children grow and begin to care for themselves?
What am I going to write about?? Oh wait, I know:
I can write reward ads for bandits.
Inconspicuous grandmother, multiple aliases include “Mimi,” “Meemster,” or sometimes “Mimi-pants”
Definitely armed. Be on the lookout–she’ll kill you with kindness.
Pronounces yellow “yella,” and pillow “pilla” and may sleep on a yella pilla
Reward: 10,000 gold doubloons or maybe she’ll just reward me with free babysitting
Hide your potatoes–she’s coming for ’em.
From what I remember- your sister went running because you gave her the responsibility of transplanting a lone survivor. She can’t handle that kind of pressure!