They’re ripening.
And you better call it if you want it, or your shot is gone.
I love blackberry season. So much so that I have plans to create a virtual blackberry fence around the yard, covering every space with tremendously gigantic thorns.

{I was instructed to hold the monkey up and tell him to smile. But now this picture is serving as your inspiration to envision blackberries draped all across the top of that fence. How’s it working. Does the smile on your face likewise appear permanently affixed?}
This one is from a series called “Mom Isn’t Looking.” If you don’t quite like the particular angle, never fear, there are 1,496 very similar.
Don’t let Williams boy #2 in your backyard! All those blackberries will be gone. I can see it now- purple faced child says he had nothing to do with the disappearance of 402 blackberries.