Ours are all in–I hope yours are as well!
mumbling and fumbling my way through backyard restoration
by Holly
by Holly
I’m still making the transition to my Erin Condren life planner.
{If you are male and reading this…hold please…I promise there is a point.}
And here’s the point:
Never underestimate the power of a sticker.
And if you are male and reading this and right now thinking wha??? please know that I used to teach high school, to girls AND boys and those boys would march right up to my desk faster than anything if I forgot to put a sticker on their “A” test paper. And sometimes they would do it if they thought their neighbor’s sticker was better than theirs, but there are weirdos everywhere…
Seriously getting to the point now:
In parenting, in teaching, in personal life goals: Never underestimate the power of a sticker.
Enter another one of my favorite blogs: My Tiny Plot.
It’s a gardening blog, but for me it’s a gardening photography blog. It represents my garden photography goals: beautiful composition, dreamy lighting, perfect styling.
{Hey Gillian, style my life?}
I’ve worked with this camera since just before bitty E was born, and I like it a lot. But it is complicated. And I’ve had more photography classes than I care to own up to. So, yes, in some ways photography = that Organic Chemistry class in college that my bff breezed through {but C’MON her dad DISCOVERED AN ELEMENT} while I limp wholeheartedly toward a C- that I am oddly proud of.
Back to the stickers.
I think I’m going to give myself one, in my fancy new planner, every time I learn a new camera trick. For there are buttons, oh there are buttons, that I have no idea how to operate. {Buttons that probably secretly wish they were self-destruct buttons because they are so tired of the idiot operating them.}
I have this new-to-me-garage-sale-find shelf on the patio. It has often found itself the focus of my pictures since I started blogging as the bitties love to play on it.
I know I want to spray paint it black and that I want it styled in a cool way. And I know that Gillian would know how to do it. HELP ME, GILLIAN!
So, in conclusion, {how’s that for a transition??} thank you Gillian, for the inspiration! You don’t just want things to grow—you want them to grow pretty. In beautiful combinations with the right accessory.
Right now I’m just stuck on grow, please, just a little… but there’s always next season.
by Holly
After a timely, long, and very helpful chat with The Wise One, the conclusion came down to this:
it was time to buy more fertilizer.
I don’t know why I should be surprised. This is the theme of this season.
So I drove to the store and said “do you have fertilizer?”
To which they said “yes, we sell fertilizer.”
To which I said “great, I’ll take it.”
“All of it?”
“Yes, pretty much.”
It was mostly like this. I will spare you the details of the rest of the day.
But in case you’re curious here they are:
I cleaned up the two non-functioning rows–the onions (as onions everywhere said WE GOT HER) and the lettuces. {I knew the lettuces were going to be a non-starter, but I had hoped by some miracle that they would catch on fast. Then I got foiled by the nitrogen, and viola…nernt.} So back to those dead spaces: I added 1/2 inch of Black Kow, spread some fertilizer, and some acidifier. I will be ordering some specific seed varieties {beans and peas that do well late in the season} that The Wise One recommended for those spots.
Everything else that was growing, if not limping along, got a dose of fertilizer and slow-release soil acidifier. The peach tree and the blueberries got a dose of liquid soil acidifier that The Wise One said will acidify more quick-like.
Everything was again mulched with pine straw…except for that spot on the other side of the fence where David said “hey did you mulch that spot I asked you to like four weeks ago?”
Oops, I really did forget.
It’s because that side of the fence doesn’t grow cucumbers.
by Holly
It was pretty much one serving of peas…but so far I’m about the only one around here who finishes a serving of them anyway. So I’m counting this as a win.
Do you have any garden plans this weekend?
I need to get the rest of the sunflower starts in the ground, prepare the portions of the beds that are not thriving for re-planting, tie up the blackberry bushes that are doing way better than expected, and lay some more pine straw.
Happy Saturday!
by Holly
Nothing beats mail. But then there’s Erin Condren Mail.
And all across America mailpeople {persons?} heard high pitched squeals just after they dropped the packages.
I may have waxed poetic about my previous planner…
Today I toss it like that fake-dater from college. Sayonara sucka. Thanks for the memories. {sike.}
So there’s this:
Don’t you think being able to see my centerpiece justifies that I’m not blogging about gardening today? Okie d, thanks, me too.
And this.
And then this.
And now I’ll stop but just one more this:
Quitting now.
Bitty E said “ooooh what a pretty box.” KID YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW.
I would like to issue a public statement of gratefulness to my sister. It is as follows:
Dearest sister-dear,
Thank you for introducing me to the Erin Condren Life Planner.
You were right all along.
I should have trusted that a former elementary school teacher knew what she was talking about when it came to all the cute.
You are an expert at accessorizing both your outfits and your hyper-planning tendencies.
But don’t push it: I still get to groan about how you sit on me and shove your thumbs into my shin bruises.
That smack talk statute of limitations has not yet passed.
Also, this is probably a good time to tell you I still have your jean jacket from college. I’m sure that deep down somewhere you knew it was me who took it out of your closet that time I dropped by your dorm and only your roommate was there.
xoxo and LYLAS,
p.s…so is it mailpeople or mailpersons? Mailhumans?
p.p.s…so it’s ok for me to keep the jacket, yes?
If you’ll excuse me I need to go thumb through the next 18 months, week by week.
And now back to your regularly scheduled gardening blog.
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